Albany Rooster
$300.00 – $1,200.00 -
Ginn Grey Toppy
$350.00 – $1,200.00 -
Gerard Hatch
$350.00 – $1,250.00 -
Lacey Roundhead Rooster
$400.00 – $1,400.00 -
Minor Blue Rooster
$250.00 – $1,150.00 -
Penny Harold Brown
$300.00 – $1,200.00 -
Peruvian Rooster
$350.00 – $1,250.00 -
Rat Graves Leiper
$300.00 – $1,200.00
Kremblin GameFowl Family
From our family to yours, Kremblin GameFowl Shop provides high-quality GameFowl for sale from our family-owned and operated. We believe that by allowing Fowls to do what comes naturally, we can ensure the best quality in the industry. Together, our GameFowl hatcheries supply a variety of baby chicks, ducklings, and guineas—all bred and raised to deliver superior poultry to your backyard farm.
Five years ago, Joel and Martha Martin started hatching and raising Game Fowls in their backyard, and they grew that practice into a business by the early 2007. In 2017, Kendall Fox began to hatch Game Fowls—and the foundation for this family of hatcheries was laid.
Today, this business is a family of hatcheries, including GameFowl and other poultry for sale by us, Kremblin GameFowl Farm, Inc., Blue Banty Farm, and Hillside Hatchery. And in that family spirit, when you buy baby chicks from us, all your selections will land in the same basket, under the same order, and with a straightforward transaction.

Kelso Game Fighting Fowl
$550.00 – $1,500.00 -
Kelso Hen
$550.00 – $1,500.00 -
$350.00 – $1,200.00 -
Yellow Leg Hatch Albany
$350.00 – $1,150.00 -
Gleezen Whitehackle
$600.00 – $1,800.00 -
Kearney Whitehackle Gamefowl
$400.00 – $1,400.00 -
Morgan Whitehackle Gamefowl
$300.00 – $1,200.00 -
Murphy Whitehackle Gamefowl
$350.00 – $1,250.00

Our Guarantee When You Buy Our GameFowl
We call this operation a “family of game fowls & hatcheries” for one very simple reason: We are, in fact, family—and we want you to feel like you’re a part of that group when ordering chicks. Along with that family value comes the commandment to “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself,” and we do that with this guarantee to you.
Every week, newly hatched, health-certified ducklings and baby chicks will be ready to ship directly from our hatcheries to you. All four of our hatcheries are NPIP-certified, meaning that we regularly test our flocks for disease.
We also guarantee that we have our very own breeding stock, housed in family-owned and operated farms. The eggs are picked up weekly and brought to the hatchery.
And finally, when buying your chicks, we strive for a hassle-free ordering process and do our best to ensure fast, humane shipping everywhere in the continental U.S., Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Wordlwide.
American Gamefowl
$300.00 – $1,200.00 -
Assorted Chicken Hatching Eggs
$300.00 – $750.00 -
Barred Rock Hatching Eggs
$250.00 – $650.00 -
Black Australorp Hatching Eggs
$200.00 – $500.00 -
Black Breasted Red Aseel
$350.00 – $1,150.00 -
Blueface Hatch
$450.00 – $1,350.00 -
Blueface Hatch Game Fowl
$350.00 – $1,250.00 -
Blueface Hatch Stag
$300.00 – $1,200.00 -
Buff Orpington Hatching Eggs
$280.00 – $700.00 -
Dark Aseel
$350.00 – $1,150.00 -
Easter Egger Hatching Eggs
$250.00 – $650.00 -
Gleezen Whitehackle
$600.00 – $1,800.00